HD Video Player - Privacy Policy

 Thank you for using the HD Video player All Format app. Protecting your privacy is a priority for us. This statement outlines how we use and safeguard the personal information you occasionally provide via the Internet.

Collecting Your Information

We don't gather personal info when you download our Android apps. No sign-up is needed, and we don't follow your app usage. We don't even store such data on any server.

Third-Party Services

We use third-party services to provide a better App experience and gather usage insights. These services may collect information for identification purposes. Please review the privacy policies of these third-party service providers for more information:

 Google Play Services  Google Play Services

 AdMob  AdMob

 Google Analytics for Firebase  Google Analytics for Firebase

 Firebase Crashlytics  Firebase Crashlytics 

How We Use Your Info

We only access your info if you send us feedback or report a bug. This info (limited to your name, email, and survey response) is only used to contact you and improve our services

 Ads: Google AdMob, a third-party network, collects information about how you use an app to display ads that are more relevant to your interests.

Control over Personal Information

You may have rights based on your jurisdiction's laws:

 Info Access: Request details about the data we collect.

 Device Permissions: Revoke granted permissions.

 Opt-Out: Choose not to receive personalized ads.

Securing Your Personal Information

We employ reasonable measures to protect data integrity and security. However, unforeseen events or privacy settings may affect this.

For California Residents

Under CCPA, California residents have specific rights regarding personal data collected:

 Know Your Data: Understand collected data and its use.

 Deletion: Request data deletion.

 Opt-Out: Decline personalized ads.

 Non-Discrimination: Rights exercise won't lead to discrimination.

Permission Clarifications


To check internet connection.


The following storage permissions are required to access media files on the user's device, such as photos via the MediaStore API. This is necessary to provide the app's core functionality.




Access Network State - Detect network availability and changes.

4.Picture in picture

Small screen video player and may overlap on other apps.

5. WAKE_LOCK      

video player needs to have the device stay on while playing video


Allows the app to modify global audio settings such as volume and which speaker is used for output.

Children Under 13

We don't knowingly collect info from those under 13. If we mistakenly do, we'll promptly delete it.

Contact Us

For questions or concerns, email us.

Changes to Privacy Policy

We may update this policy. The "last updated" date reflects revisions. By using our services after changes, you accept the revised policy
